Wednesday, November 23, 2011

German foreign trade in record mood

German exporters and importers have returned surprisingly quickly in
the track record. Exports grow by at least eleven percent this year
and eight percent next year on its way to the record figure of closer
to 2008, according to a recent survey.
In terms of imports in the coming year is to be expected even a new
high point: An increase of just under ten percent this year and next
year will therefore result in 2011 of a new peak. The title of export
champion, Germany had lost last year to China, but there is no chance:
In the People's Republic, exports at double-digit rates even faster.
The export record of 984 billion euros from the year 2008 will reach
the German economy, despite the fast growth has not again. In
contrast, Germany 2011 will provide 808 billion in imports, with a new
peak. This particularly strong trend in imports, Germany should
strengthen in the discussion about an allegedly excessive
Exportlastigkeit its economy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Eine neu Netzseite fuer Exporteure und Importeure. Hier werden wir spaeter noch viel reinschreiben. Etwas Geduld bitte!